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April was a busy month for us, with the bulk of the ewes due to lamb. We had to juggle lambing outside, away from home, work, a toddler and attempt to keep some semblance of normality around the house. We were very lucky in that the weather, while very cold sometimes, was generally fine, and we didn’t often have to spend hours huddled in the rain assisting ewes. During the month 46 ewes lambed, giving us a total of 83 lambs. Sadly not all of these lambs survived, some being still-born, some too weak to get going and notably, 3 being carried off by foxes, but unfortunately it’s all part of the job. You can’t win them all, even though we tried our hardest. Towards the end of the month we also found ourselves with a couple of orphan lambs, living in our back garden! It’s not every little boy who has his own pet lambs just outside the back door, but Toby loves them almost as much as our dogs.

A pair of newborn lambs.

Our first orphan, Eric.

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We were officially due to start lambing but nature has her own schedule, and our first lamb arrived on the 29th of March. She is a Mule x Texel ewe lamb, and we plan to keep her for breeding. As she is the first lamb born to us she’s a bit special, and we always look out for her when we look round the flock. Daniel thinks her mouth quirks up a bit at the corners like Tintin’s dog, so she has ended up being called Snowy. We don’t make a habit of naming our sheep apart from the tups and any that particularly stand out (usually for the wrong reasons!) but this one has a special place in our hearts. We hope that she will have a long and happy life with us and produce good strong lambs. You can keep up with her progress, and see what happens over the next year, by checking back here.

Snowy at about 2 days old.

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